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미해병대 USMC Exercises $154M Option in BAE’s Amphibious Combat Vehicle Production Contract

by 충실한 해병 2022. 12. 10.

BAE Systems’ land and armaments business will manufacture an additional 30 amphibious combat vehicles for the U.S. Marine Corps after the service branch exercised full-rate production contract options worth $153.7 million.

The options are part of a modification that will also cover the costs of fielding and support services and will put the cumulative face value of the contract at $2.07 billion, the Department of Defense said Wednesday.

A BAE-Iveco Defence Systems partnership was named the winner of a competition in June 2018 to build up to 204 new USMC vehicles for approximately $1.2 billion.

The industry team delivered the first batch of ACVs in November 2020.

USMC expects work under the modified contract to be completed in December 2024.