Republic of Korea Army Headquarters (대한민국 육군본부)
- Missile Command 'ENDLESSNESS' (유도탄사령부 '무극부대')
- Capital Defense Command 'SHIELD' (수도방위사령부 '방패부대')
- 1st Chemical Defense Brigade (1화학전방호여단)
- 122nd Signal Brigade (122통신여단)
- 10th Air Defense Artillery Group (10방공단)
- 1113rd Engineer Group (1113공병단)
- 52nd Homeland Defense Infantry Division (52향토보병사단)
- 56th Homeland Defense Infantry Division (56향토보병사단)
- 57th Homeland Defense Infantry Division (57향토보병사단)
- 60th Reserve Infantry Division (60동원보병사단)
- 71st Reserve Infantry Division (71동원보병사단)
- Special Warfare Command 'LION' (특수전사령부 '사자부대')
- 707th Special Mission Battalion 'WHITE TIGER' (707특수임무대대 '백호부대')
- Special Warfare Training Group (특수전교육단)
- 1st Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'EAGLE' (1공수특전여단 '독수리부대')
- 3rd Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'FLYING TIGER' (3공수특전여단 '비호부대')
- 5th Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'BLACK DRAGON' (5공수특전여단 '흑룡부대')
- 7th Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'PEGASUS' (7공수특전여단 '천마부대')
- 9th Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'GHOST' (9공수특전여단 '귀성부대')
- 11th Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'GOLDEN BAT' (11공수특전여단 '황금박쥐부대')
- 13th Special Forces Brigade (Airborne) 'BLACK PANTHER' (13공수특전여단 '흑표부대)
- Aviation Operations Command 'PHOENIX' (항공작전사령부 '불사조부대')
- 1st Aviation Brigade (1항공여단)
- 2nd Aviation Brigade (2항공여단)
- 203rd Special Assault Brigade (Air Assault) (203특공여단), (공중강습)
- Army Logistics Command (육군군수사령부)
- Total Maintenance Depot (종합정비창)
- Maintenance Depot (정비창)
- Ammunition Depot (탄약창)
- Army Training & Doctrine Command (육군교육사령부)
- Army University (육군대학교)
- Technical Schools (병과학교)
- Army Combat Development Group (육군전투발전단)
- Korea Military Academy (육군사관학교)
- Korea Third Military Academy (육군3사관학교)
First Republic of Korea Army (FROKA) (1야전군)
- 3rd Armored Brigade 'LIGHTNING' (3기갑여단 '번개부대')
- 11th Field Artillery Group (11야전포병단)
- 12th Aviation Group (12항공단)
- 1107th Engineer Group (1107공병단)
- 1170th Engineer Group (1170공병단)
- 11th Infantry Division (Mechanized) 'FLOWER OF YOUTH OF THE SILLA DYNASTY' (11기계화보병사단 '화랑부대')
- 1st Logistical Support Command (1군수지원사령부)
- II Corps 'DOUBLE DRAGONS' (2군단 '쌍용부대')
- 2nd Artillery Brigade (2포병여단)
- 2nd Engineer Brigade (2공병여단)
- 102nd Signal Brigade (102통신여단)
- 702nd Special Assault Regiment (702특공연대)
- 302nd Security Regiment (302경비연대)
- 7th Infantry Division 'THE GREAT BEAR' (7보병사단 '칠성부대')
- 15th Infantry Division 'VICTORY' (15보병사단 '승리부대')
- 27th Infantry Division 'LET'S WIN' (27보병사단 '이기자부대')
- III Corps 'MOUNTAINS' (3군단 '산악부대')
- 3rd Artillery Brigade (3포병여단)
- 3rd Engineer Brigade (3공병여단)
- 103rd Signal Brigade (103통신여단)
- 703rd Special Assault Regiment (703특공연대)
- 303rd Security Regiment (303경비연대)
- 2nd Infantry Division 'WAVE OF ANGARS' (2보병사단 '노도부대')
- 12th Infantry Division 'EULJI' (12보병사단 '을지부대')
- 21st Infantry Division 'MT. BAIKDOO' (21보병사단 '백두산부대')
- VIII Corps 'LOYAL DRAGON OF THE EAST SEA' (8군단 '동해충용부대')
- 8th Artillery Brigade (8포병여단)
- 102nd Infantry Brigade 'SUNRISE' (102보병여단 '일출부대')
- 22nd Infantry Division 'YULGOG' (22보병사단 '율곡부대')
- 23rd Infantry Division 'IRON WALL' (23보병사단 '철벽부대')
Army Second Operations Command (육군 2작전사령부)
(This is the former Second Republic of Korea Army (SROKA))
- 21st Aviation Group (21항공단)
- 201st Special Assault Brigade (201특공여단)
- 205th Special Assault Brigade (205특공여단)
- 1117th Engineer Group (1117공병단)
- 1120th Engineer Group (1120공병단)
- 5th Logistical Support Command (5군수지원사령부)
- 31st Homeland Defense Infantry Division (31향토보병사단)
- 32nd Homeland Defense Infantry Division (32향토보병사단)
- 35th Homeland Defense Infantry Division (35향토보병사단)
- 37th Homeland Defense Infantry Division (37향토보병사단)
- 39th Homeland Defense Infantry Division (39향토보병사단)
- 50th Homeland Defense Infantry Division (50향토보병사단)
- 53rd Homeland Defense Infantry Division (53향토보병사단)
Third Republic of Korea Army (TROKA) (3야전군)
- 1st Air Defense Artillery Brigade (1방공포병여단)
- 1101st Engineer Group (1101공병단)
- 1173rd Engineer Group (1173공병단)
- 1175th Engineer Group (1175공병단)
- 2nd Logistical Support Command (2군수지원사령부)
- 3rd Logistical Support Command (3군수지원사령부)
- Capital Corps 'DEVOTION' (수도군단 '충의부대')
- Capital Artillery Brigade (수도포병여단)
- 100th Signal Brigade (100통신여단)
- 700th Special Assault Regiment (700특공연대)
- 17th Infantry Division 'LIGHTNING' (17보병사단 '번개부대')
- I Corps 'KWANGGAETO' (1군단 '광개토부대')
- 2nd Armored Brigade 'LOYALTY' (2기갑여단 '충성부대')
- 1st Engineer Brigade (1공병여단)
- 101st Signal Brigade (101통신여단)
- 11th Aviation Group (11항공단)
- 701st Special Assault Regiment (701특공연대)
- 301st Security Regiment (301경비연대)
- 1st Artillery Brigade (1포병여단)
- 2nd Field Artillery Group (2야전포병단)
- 3rd Field Artillery Group (3야전포병단)
- 7th Field Artillery Group (7야전포병단)
- 1st Infantry Division 'FORWARD' (1보병사단 '전진부대')
- 9th Infantry Division 'WHITE HORSE' (9보병사단 '백마부대')
- 25th Infantry Division 'FLYING DRAGON' (25보병사단 '비룡부대')
- 30th Infantry Division (Mechanized) 'CERTAIN VICTORY' (30기계화보병사단 '필승부대')
- 72nd Reserve Infantry Division (72동원보병사단'올림픽부대')
- V Corps 'VICTORIOUS' (5군단 '승진부대')
- 1st Armored Brigade 'LIGHTNING ATTACK' (1기갑여단 '전격부대')
- 5th Engineer Brigade (5공병여단)
- 105th Signal Brigade (105통신여단)
- 15th Aviation Group (15항공단)
- 705th Special Assault Regiment (705특공연대)
- 305th Security Regiment (305경비연대)
- 5th Artillery Brigade (5포병여단)
- 1st Field Artillery Group (1야전포병단)
- 5th Field Artillery Group (5야전포병단)
- 3rd Infantry Division 'SKELETON' (3보병사단 '백골부대')
- 6th Infantry Division 'BLUE STAR' (6보병사단 '청성부대')
- 8th Infantry Division 'TUMBLER' (8보병사단 '오뚜기부대') (Will be Mechanized by 2010)
- VI Corps 'ADVANCE' (6군단 '진군부대')
- 5th Armored Brigade 'IRON STORM' (5기갑여단 '철풍부대')
- 6th Engineer Brigade (6공병여단)
- 106th Signal Brigade (106통신여단)
- 16th Aviation Group (16항공단)
- 706th Special Assault Regiment (706특공연대)
- 306th Security Regiment (306경비연대)
- 6th Artillery Brigade (6포병여단)
- 6th Field Artillery Group (6야전포병단)
- 9th Field Artillery Group (9야전포병단)
- 5th Infantry Division 'KEY' (5보병사단 '열쇠부대')
- 26th Infantry Division (Mechanized) 'GROUP OF FIRES' (26기계화보병사단 '불무리부대')
- 28th Infantry Division 'INVINCIBLE TYPHOON' (28보병사단 '무적태풍부대')
- 7th Artillery Brigade (7포병여단)
- 7th Engineer Brigade (7공병여단)
- 107th Signal Brigade (107통신여단)
- 17th Aviation Group (17항공단)
- 7th Assault Unit (7강습대)
- Capital Infantry Division (Mechanized) 'TIGER DIVISION' (수도기계화보병사단 '맹호사단')
- 20th Infantry Division (Mechanized) 'DECISIVE BATTLE' (20기계화보병사단 '결전부대'
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