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전세계를 분활하여 책임지는 미해군 6개 함대

by 충실한 해병 2023. 1. 3.

미해군 조직도 만만치않게 복잡합니다만 간단히 대서양함대와 태평양함대로 크게 나누고 이를 다시 6개 함대로 세분하여 전세계 해역을 분할 관장하고 있습니다,.

1. 2함대
The U.S. Second Fleet is one  of six numbered fleets in the United States Navy. Second Fleet's area of responsibility includes approximately 38 million square miles of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Pole to the South Pole and from the shores of the United States to the west coast of Europe.

The Second Fleet also used to operate along both coasts of South America and part of the west coast of Central AmericaHowever, the Navy confirmed on 24 April 2008 that the Fourth Fleet will be re-established and based at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Florida beginning 1 July 2008 and will be responsible for U.S. Navy ships, aircraft and submarines operating in the Caribbean, and Central and South America

The Third Fleet is one  of six numbered fleets in the United States Navy. Third Fleet's area of responsibility includes approximately fifty million square miles of the eastern and northern Pacific ocean areas including the Bering Sea, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands and a sector of the Arctic. Major oil and trade sea lines of communication within this area are critically important to the economic health of the United States and friendly nations throughout the Pacific Rim region
The primary means of carrying out these missions are the five Nimitz class aircraft carriers attached[citation needed] to the Third Fleet:

USS Nimitz (CVN-68)
USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) (starting in 2010)
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)
USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74)
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)


3. 4함대
The United States Fourth Fleet is a major command of the United States Navy in the South Atlantic, operating as a component of the joint U.S. Southern Command and is re-forming as of July 1, 2008 under the current command of RADM Joseph D. Kernan. Fourth Fleet is based at Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Florida and is responsible for U.S. Navy ships, aircraft and submarines operating in the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

The Fleet began operations again in the summer of 2008, but will not be fully staffed until 2009, in keeping with a manpower study conducted by U.S. Fleet Forces Command. According to the United States Department of Defense, the Fourth Fleet's aim will be to assist in narcotics interdiction efforts, humanitarian and goodwill interventions, and joint training with regional security partners. This reactivation, without consulting regional partners, sparked concerns within their governments. The governments of Argentina and Brazil made formal inquiries as to the fleet's mission in the region.

In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez accused the United States of attempting to frighten the people of South America by reactivating the fleet. Cuban ex-president Fidel Castro warned that it could be lead to more incidents such as the Colombian intervention in Ecuador

USS Kearsarge (LHD-3)
USS Boxer (LHD-4)

4. 5함대
The Fifth Fleet of the United States Navy is responsible for naval forces in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea and coast off East Africa as far south as Kenya. It shares a commander and headquarters with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT). The commander of the 5th Fleet is currently (2008) Vice Admiral William E. Gortney.[1] Fifth Fleet/NAVCENT is a component command of, and reports to CENTCOM

5. 6함대
The Sixth Fleet is the United States Navy's operational unit and staff of United States Naval Forces Europe, and onc e had its own headquarters in Gaeta, Italy commanded by a vice admiral. Beginning in 2004, the Sixth Fleet staff was combined with United States Naval Forces Europe staff, up to that time headquartered in London. Since then the staff has operated as a single entity with a four star commander, COMNAVEUR, and a three star Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff who also carries the title COMSIXTHFLT. The staff as a whole is known as COMNAVEUR-COMSIXTHFLT (or CNE-C6F) and works from its facilities at Naval Support Activity Naples at the Capodichino site in Naples, Italy.[1] USS Mount Whitney is the Sixth Fleet flagship with its homeport Gaeta, Italy and operating in the Mediterranean Sea.

U.S. Naval forces entering the Mediterranean Sea are assigned ("chopped") to Sixth Fleet. Sixth Fleet has consisted of up to 40 ships, 175 aircraft and 21,000 people, such as in early 2003, when two carrier battlegroups operated in the Mediterranean in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. However, since the submarine tender Emory S. Land, based in La Maddelena in Sardinia, changed homeports to Bremerton, WA, the fleet has just one  permanently assigned ship, the Mount Whitney. The fleet typically has a number of frigates and destroyers assigned, as well as those vessels transiting between the East Coast and the Suez. Additionally, since 2005, Sixth Fleet ships have increasingly been operating around Africa, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea