Tank-2000 (New generation Main Battle Tank) project: Status: The tender to co-produce 1000 new generation MBTs has been canceled in May 2004. It is likely that a new request for proposal will be issued during the upcoming months to include more foreign companies in the competition. on a separate agenda, three Turkish companies (BMC, FNSS and Otokar) were asked to join their efforts to carry-out indeginous research and studies for the purpose of manufacturing the shell and sub-systems (excluding navigation and fire control) of a new-generation MBT.
SABRA-III Upgrade: 170 of the M60A1 MBTs will receive SABRA-III upgrade program which is to be completed by 2007. Status: Contract signed, on track. The upgrade program encompasses thermal imaging and Elbit Knight-III fire control system (including stabilizer and ballistic computer), 120mm Merkawa-IV smoothbore cannon (with LAHAT guided ammunition) and fume extractor, automatic fire and explosion suppression system, Merkawa-IV add-on armor technology and explosive reactive armor (ERA), 1200 hp MTU diesel engine/transmission, full system modernization and integration capability, new improved Merkawa-IV tracks, RWR/IR warning system and NBC protection. The remaining M60A1 and M60A3 tanks are likely to undergo the same upgrade process with more involvement of Turkish companies, upon completion of the upgrade of first 170 tanks.Status: Contract signed. Project to be completed by 2008.
VOLKAN Upgrade: 170 Leopard 1A3T2 MBTs are being upgraded by ASELSAN with a new thermal imaging and fire control system, named Volkan. Status: Contract signed. Project to be completed by mid-2007.
ATAK Project: Agusta Westland's Mangusta A-129 won the helicopter gunship tender of the Turkish Army. 52 gunships worth US$ 2.7 billion will be assembled at the TAI facilities in Ankara.
Heavy Cargo Helicopter: A RfP was issued in January 2007 to acquire 10 heavy cargo helicopters for the Army. Possible candidates are CH-47F, CH-53K and Mi-26.
J-Missile: Status: Unknown.
HERON Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV: Status: Contract signed in April 2005 for the procurement of 3 ground stations each with 3 flying-units. Turkish Aerospace Industries and ASELSAN will also be involved in the project and supply some parts and electronics (AselFlir-300T) for the UAVs.
PROJECT MELTEM: Meltem 2: integration of hi-tech avionics and reconnaissance/surveillance equipment to 9 CN-235 aircraft which were locally produced under Meltem 1 project plus 10 additional aircraft which will be locally produced under Meltem 3 project. Status: Contract signed in 2003 with the French company, Thales. on track.
Meltem 3: Production of 10 ATR-72 aircraft for naval reconnaissance/surveillance roles. Status: ATR-72 of the Italian Alenia was announced in January 2005 as the winner of the competition. Contract signed on 20 July 2005 with Alenia-Italy. on track.
PROJECT LONG HORIZON: Establishment of a large-scale sea-air-land radar, radar-ESM and communications network for the purpose of detecting and identifying the surface vessels on the Aegean Sea by providing a real-time coverage. Status: Contract signed with delay on 30 July 2003. Expected completion date for the project is late-2007.
PROJECT MILGEM: Acquisition of 8 (+4 optional) anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and patrol corvettes. Status: After years of suspensions and delays, a request for proposal for a locally designed vessel prototype has been issued by the Undersecretariat of Defence in August 2004. The prototype is currently under construction.
PROJECT GENESIS: The indigenous upgrade of the command and control systems of the Perry (G) class frigates.Status: on track. The prototype is planned to be ready in 2005 and the estimated completion date of the project is 2008.
PROJECT TF-2000: Local production of 3 TF-2000 anti-air warfare (AAW) and command and control frigates. Status: Suspended but expected to be revived soon.
12 S-70B Sea Hawk helicopters: Status: on track.
BORA D SAM (1X8 FIM-92B/C Stinger): Stinger mounted on naval platforms. Planned for Fast Attack Missile Crafts. Status: Under development.
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Turkey officially joined, as a Level 3 partner, the System Development and Demonstration Phase of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project. Number of fighters planned to be purchased is 100. Status: on track.
F-16 CCIP Modernization: A total of 213 F-16 fighters are planned to undergo a comprehensive CCIP modernization by Lockheed Martin. The program would also include the procurement of new weapons platforms such as the AIM-120C5 AMRAAM, AGM-154A, AGM-154C JSOW, AGM-84H SLAM-ER, AGM-84L Block 2 Harpoon, AGM-88B Block 3 HARM, AIM-9X Sidewinder, CBU-103, CBU-105, GBU-31, GBU-38 and BLU-109. Status: A contract was signed for 117 fighters in April 2005. In December 2006, the contract was stretched to cover all 213 fighters. Estimated completion date is February 2016.
SPEWS-II: Production in Turkey of ALQ-178V5 Radar Warning Receivers and RF Jammers and their installation in the 60 F-16C Block 50 fighters. Status: Contract was signed with delay and went into effect on 13 November 2003. Project was initially scheduled to be completed by 2007. However, it is now planned to integrate this project to the above-mentioned F-16 CCIP modernization program.
F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 50+: 30 units to be purchased from the U.S. to compensate the 27 attrition losses. The purchase includes 42 GE F-110-129 engines, 60 LAU-129A, 36 LINK-16, 35 AN/APX-113 AIFF, 32 AN/APG-68(V9) radar, 36 JHMCS, 3 LINK-16 Ground Stations and 36 AN/ALQ-178 EWS. Status: Letter of Agreement is to be signed in the first quarter of 2007. Delivery is expected to kick off in 2010.
Terminator II: The previous plans to upgrade, in collaboration with Israel, a total of 48 F-4E fighters was canceled. However, a limited modernization program involving a minor local structural and avionics upgrade package is still on the agenda. Proposals have been submitted by Aselsan and TAI in this respect.Status: Pending.
A400 Future's Large Aircraft: Turkey, as a partner of the FLA Project, will manufacture parts for and receive 10 A-400M aircraft from 2008 to 2012. Status: on track.
Early Warning Aircraft B-737-700/MESA THEIK: The first of 4 aircrafts was scheduled to be delivered in July 2007, second in October 2007, third in February 2008 and fourth in June 2008. Status: Contract signed in June 2002 and went into effect in June 2003. on track. However, due to software problems experienced in the units ordered by the Royal Australian Air Force, the delivery time-table is expected to be delayed up to 28 months.
High Altitude/Long Range Anti-ballistic Missile: A feasibility report has been submitted to the Undersecretariat of Defence Industries. Following the eval uation process, a RfP is expected to be issued in 2007. Possible candidates are S300PMU-1/2, Patriot PAC-3, Aster-30 and FT-2000.
On a separate note, Turkey is interested in the Arrow II anti-ballistic missile. US has already approved, including the Green Pine radar, its sell to Turkey. Some sources state that Turkey has invested US$100 million for its development.Status: Under negotiation.
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