해병대 훈련189 1990년 22대대 7중대 IBS 2022. 12. 10. 브라질 해병대 2022. 12. 6. 에쿠아도르해병대 UNITAS LXIII: Performance of the Combined Multinational Special Operations Force before D-Day BY GUILHERME WILTGEN/AIR AND NAVAL DEFENCE SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 Within the framework of UNITAS 2022, on September 16, D-Day, a multinational amphibious operation took place in the municipality of Itaoca, in the state of Espiríto Santo, Brazil. The Operation included a mock rescue of threatened citizens off the coast of a country in conflict, through an amphibious incursion carried out by ships and.. 2022. 12. 6. 스페인해병대 The best images of the deployment of the Spanish Navy in Turkey 1 of 14 Precision marksmen of the Marine Infantry Brigade "Tercio de Armada" fire alongside Turkish Armed Forces personnel during exercise Dynamic Mariner 22 Armada 2 of 14 Personnel of the Fire Support Coordination and Control Battery belonging to the Landing Artillery Group of the Marine Infantry Brigade "Tercio de Armada" work alongside personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces during the Dynamic.. 2022. 12. 6. 스페인해병대 The training of the Spanish Marine Corps in four high-quality videos Spain has the oldest Marine Corps in the world, founded in 1537. Today an elite body that combines its traditions with very modern means. Lisa Azul 2022: an exercise of the Spanish Marine Corps with US Marines Tercio de Armada: a very good quality video of a BDE-I training The expeditionary force of the Spanish Marine Corps is the Tercio de Armada (TEAR), which is based in San Fernando (Cádiz) a.. 2022. 12. 6. 스페인해병대 These are the assault rifles HK416 A5 and HK417 20 that will be used by the Spanish Marine Corps The German company Heckler & Koch has been awarded a contract with a budget of 1.5 million that also includes grenade launchers An image of the Navy Marine Corps PHOTO:LA RAZÓN (CUSTOM CREDIT) INFODEFENSA.COM CREATED05-12-2022 | 12:17 PMLAST UPDATED05-12-2022 | 12:18 PM TheSpanish Navyhas closed with the German companyHeckler & Kocha contract with a budget of 1.5 million euros for the purchase o.. 2022. 12. 6. 칠레해병대 Combat engineers from DIM N° 4 Cochrane, specialists in demining of the Ch Its staff began demining the southern islands in 2007 and is currently clearing land contaminated with cluster munitions. Combat engineer of the Pomta of DIM N° 4 Cochrane in work of removal of an antipersonnel mine. Photo: Chilean Navy Nicolas Garcia| Thursday, 10 November 2022, 12:00 On November 8, the combat engineers of theMarine Infantry Detachment No. 4 Cochraneof theChilean Navycommemorat.. 2022. 12. 6. 칠레해병대 The commander in chief of the Chilean Navy reviews the Marines deployed in Arauco The authority toured the facilities and learned about the advances in infrastructure for food, rest and equipment Admiral Juan Andrés De La Maza with Marines on his visit to the province of Arauco. Photo: Chilean Navy Nicolas Garcia| Thursday, 24 November 2022, 12:00 The commander in chief of theChilean Navy, AdmiralJuan Andrés De La Maza, visited the command posts of theTask Forcesof the provin.. 2022. 12. 6. 림팩훈련 RIMPAC 2022 Officials Reflect on Lessons Learned, What to Change for RIMPAC 2024 Mexican Naval Infantry participates in an amphibious raid for a multinational littoral operations exercise as part of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022, Aug. 1. Infantería de Marina Photo The Rim of the Pacific 2022 exercise enabled participants to build upon their adaptability, particularly during the unscripted portion, leaders overseeing the exercise told reporters Wednesday. Officials said th.. 2022. 12. 6. USMC and Royal Thai Military begin joint EOD training in Thailand The training is part of DoD’s HMA programme that aims to assist partner nations’ forces in safe disposal of landmines. The US Marine Corps (USMC ) and Royal Thai Military have begun the humanitarian mine action (HMA) Levels 1 and 2 explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) training. The training started on 14 November in Ratchaburi, Thailand. It involved the participation of marines from the 3rd EOD Com.. 2022. 12. 6. ROK/US Marines conduct joint military training (동영상) https://youtu.be/yoeH5ydnBqM 2022. 11. 29. 해병대, 내년 한·미연합훈련 미국서 실시 협의 중...훈련 명칭은 미정 인도네시아 다국적 연합수색훈련 첫 참가도 검토 해병대가 처음으로 미국에서 한·미 연합훈련을 시행하는 것을 검토하고 있다. 연합작전 수행 능력 향상을 위한 조치다. 27일 군 당국 등에 따르면 해병대는 내년 5월 또는 10월쯤 1개 중대를 미국 캘리포니아주 샌디에이고 인근 훈련장으로 파견하는 방안을 추진 중이다. 훈련 명칭은 정해지지 않았다. 이와 함께 해병대는 해외 군사협력 강화를 위한 방안도 서두르고 있다. 내년 6월쯤 처음으로 인도네시아에서 열리는 다국적 연합수색훈련에 병력을 보내는 것을 협의 중이다. 특수수색대를 아랍에미리트(UAE)에 파병된 아크부대에 보내는 것도 고려하고 있다. 지난달 해병대는 필리핀에서 시행된 ‘2022 카만닥 훈련’을 통해 미국·필리핀·일본 등과 함께 훈련했다. 당시 해병대는.. 2022. 11. 28. 해병대1사단, 연대급 합동상륙훈련 2022. 11. 27. 미-스페인 해병대 합동 훈련 2022 2022. 11. 27. 칠레 해병대 Comsisa will supply 2,400 pairs of combat boots to the Chilean Marine Corps The company obtained the highest weighting in the tender evaluation matrix Marines. Photo: Chilean Navy Nicolas Garcia| Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 12:00 The ChileanNavy'sSupply DirectorateawardedComercial San Isidro SpA (Comsisa) the purchase of 1,600 pairs of tobacco-colored tobacco-colored combat boots with sanity and 800 pairs of tobacco-colored south/southern zone combat boots with sanity a.. 2022. 11. 27. 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 다음